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yellow scene  magazine cover for January 2022
Home & Hood 2022

Underground Gardens: Energy-efficient and earth-friendly growing practices | Home & Hood

Colorado is one of few places that is blessed with all four seasons distinctly. Unfortunately for farmers and gardeners, this means a shorter growing season when the snow and frost sets in and sends plants to their deaths or into hibernation for the winter. Greenhouses were invented to extend the growing season in colder...


Home Products: The Best Gear to Defend Your Home | Home & Hood

Home defense isn’t just about actively defending yourself in a dangerous situation. It often comes down to proper preparation and prevention. We’ve compiled a guide to provide increased safety for your home. Read up and find what’s best for your home - and budget.

Gun Ownership in America: How liberal-leaning gun clubs are supporting safety and community defense for marginalized communities in Colorado | Home & Hood

In Colorado, liberal-leaning gun groups have gained traction as they seek to empower marginalized communities by advocating for and practicing their Second Amendment rights.

HOAs vs. Signs: Why is declaring your love for BLM or ALM a problem in your community? | Home & Hood

If your new home is in a neighborhood with an HOA, then it's possible you’ll receive a knock on the door telling you that your BLM sign is an infringement of their terms and you need to take it down.

80027 Strong But Stronger Together | Marshall Fire

A comprehensive list of resources from the government and community, essays, and images from the Marshall Fire.

Oversized Housing: Boulder County homes reflect growing wealth disparities | Home & Hood

As multi-million dollar, new-build homes continue to pop up in the hills of Boulder County, the lower and middle class find it harder to make ends meet.

Underground Gardens: Energy-efficient and earth-friendly growing practices | Home & Hood

Greenhouses were invented to extend the growing season in colder climates. We check out two places that have different varieties of greenhouses that accomplish this insulating task.

Home & Hood

Home Products: The Best Gear to Defend Your Home | Home & Hood

Home defense isn’t just about actively defending yourself in a dangerous situation. It often comes down to proper preparation and prevention. We’ve compiled a guide to provide increased safety for your home. Read up and find what’s best for your home - and budget.

Oversized Housing: Boulder County homes reflect growing wealth disparities | Home & Hood

As multi-million dollar, new-build homes continue to pop up in the hills of Boulder County, the lower and middle class find it harder to make ends meet.

Underground Gardens: Energy-efficient and earth-friendly growing practices | Home & Hood

Greenhouses were invented to extend the growing season in colder climates. We check out two places that have different varieties of greenhouses that accomplish this insulating task.