Various Artists
SpokesBUZZ: Band Together Volume V
SpokesBUZZ is a wonderful organization. It’s the kind of thing that every local scene needs, to bring bands and artists together. In their words, they “promote and incubate local bands, helping them to reach a much wider audience – and the bands in turn bring Colorado along with them, attracting attention for a region where talent is rewarded and entertainment is abundant.”
Being the local arts, culture and music advocates that we are, nothing makes us happier. Band Together is in it’s fifth installment, this awesome compilation album featuring 12 great local groups and musicians. The great thing about the record is that the music spans genres, but every song is fantastic. No filler at all.
Where to begin? Well, first song “We Just Want the World” by Eldren has a disco rock, MGMT vibe that is a lot of fun without being at all dumb. IZCALLi’s Spanish vibe brings new life to classic rock on “Once I Knew Your Name.”
Wasteland Hop and Qbala take completely different but equally impressive approaches to hip-hop. Former Lumineer Maxwell Hughes is an impressive artist in his own right, as “Pulled One Over” proves, and the indie-punk of Shatterproof is energetic and fresh. Our fave is “Out to Sea” by Pandas & People – a killer alt-folk tune with an ultra-anthemic chorus.
But everything here is fabulous. Find out more at spokesbuzz.org. It’s worth it.