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yellow scene  magazine cover for November 2022
The Locavore Holiday Issue

2022 Giving Guide: Organizations that need more than thoughts and prayers

For many, the holidays are a joyous season. Family and friends coming together and reconnecting. Snow falling lightly in the backyard as fireplaces make warm homes warmer. Full cups and dinner tables, cold hearts grown three sizes. We look forward to the laughter and cheer, the chance to show those we love just how much we...


Community over CEOs: Local Retail Guide 2022

’Tis the season for frantically buying your loved ones Amazon gifts. But what if your hard-earned money went back into the community and not toward a wealthy CEO’s second yacht? We’ve curated a shopping guide for the perfect holiday gifts from our favorite local brands.

2022 Giving Guide: Organizations that need more than thoughts and prayers

As the cold descends upon us, bringing with it the season of giving, remember that there are those fighting against the cold and that they need help. Please consider donating to these wonderful, powerful, necessary organizations.

Chef-inspired Ideas to Make Holiday Meals More Inclusive

At Yellow Scene, our holiday food tradition is taking a deep dive with a handful of our favorite area chefs and talking to them about what they love to cook at home for celebratory meals. This year, they’re generously sharing their home recipes with us and using their culinary expertise to show how these dishes can be altered for those with dietary restrictions. With just a few changes and some knowledge, everybody can be included at the table. These chefs will show you what to do.


Scene Stealers | November 2022

No plans for the holiday season? You're in luck. French Davis has compiled some upcoming BoCo events worth checking out for you and your family/friends!

French’s 5 | November 2022

This month: Five facts you may not know about Chanukah.

Spotlight on 2022 Album Releases

One of the silver linings in the COVID-19 cloud is the amount of time bands have had to focus on writing new music — and that manifested itself with a slew of impressive recordings that dropped in 2022 from bands all over the Centennial State. Here’s a handful of some favorites.

What rhymes with ‘Holocaust?’ | Duly Noted

Meir responded, "In Israel, we read from right to left." In that perfect response referencing how the Hebrew language is read, Meir encapsulated a sobering truth of what it is to be Jewish — regardless of one's country of origin. No matter what country we happen to reside in throughout modern history, we have continually found ourselves to be a group of people that has never been allowed to forget that we are an "other."


The Most Unexpected Things to Eat in 2022 | Foodie

In the first few fresh days of 2022, there were a lot of things I’d hope I’d get to try. My annual food bucket list included steak with a blueberry black pepper cabernet sauce (got that one) and lobster mac and cheese (still haven’t tried it yet … maybe in 2023). But then there were those things that I didn’t expect would pass my lips. When something new crossed my path, I took a chance and tried it, and I’m really glad I did.

Mocktails and Cocktails Find a New Convenient Factor | In the Cups

I’ve been on a health kick the last few months, one that I expect to continue through the holidays. It’s been tough, but the silver lining is that I discovered mocktails, and they’re going to be one of the things I’ll keep enjoying through the new year. My recent passion isn’t always easy for the bartenders I meet, but they’ve answered the challenge with innovative, beautiful concoctions.

Community Corner

Andy was there for me when it was dark

I don't even know how to begin this column. My eyes are filling with tears, and I am having a hard time breathing regularly. I just called to move an appointment so I could compose this story and began crying with a complete stranger. I just watched the videos from Acme Fine Goods in Louisville this morning. Eric was talking about the passing of our good friend, neighbor, and community member...


The Heroes: Nonprofits

For our penultimate installment in our monthly “Heroes” series, we look to our nonprofits. Our nonprofits are the ones that stare down the darkness without flinching. They understand the pain, the fear, the anger that arises from such heavy topics. Yet, they fight on because they know that someone has to, that nothing will change without direct action.


Green Dreams To Fall For | Health

As we all know, fall is here and it is a great time of year for colors. Let’s talk green. There are so many ways to be more thoughtful about our environment. In this article I will touch on 5 ways to add green into your life with the concept of personal health in mind. As we reach towards a healthier and happier world to live in, these tips can help you think green and act globally to make our world better for people tomorrow.

Month in Review

Month in Review | November 2022

A comprehensive review of some of the main events north of the 104th, Boulder County, and the surrounding area all within the past month.