The historical timeline of racism in the U.S., leading up to today, has systematically worked to prevent the BIPOC community from acquiring wealth and homes as easily as White people.
The National Popular Vote (NPV) is seen as a more egalitarian way to elect presidents. In the NPV system, each vote would count in the election, regardless of if the voter were in the minority party in their state.
As of the deadline for this column, it’s now been 92 days since Joe Biden has taken office... and it appears he’s made next-to-no progress on a key issue that galvanized support for his campaign.
Mike Thom is a 59 year old chef hailing from Buffalo, New York. He grew up in Syracuse and lived there for 26 years. When we talked, Mike reminisced on his first time cooking in a real life kitchen.
hello to Brett Bowen, locally known for his work with Concept Restaurants’ signature Hotel Boulderado location, Spruce Farm & Fish. Bowen was born and raised just east of Atlanta, Georgia.
I really can’t wait to get back to burgers and beers with my friends, but honestly, I’m still favoring take out and survival. Remember that, even with the full efficacy of your double dose of vaccine, hovering around 95 percent,…