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yellow scene  magazine cover for April 2018
The Green Issue 2018

Report Card 2018: Grading BOCO's Greenery

  Welcome to Boulder County (BOCO, if you’re local). We’re so green we might as well be raising Keebler elves in our gardens. This is the kind of community that recycles, upcycles, bi-cycles, and occasionally mono-cycles. Admit it, we’ve all seen it. We’re yogis and meditators and generally pretty chill...


Glass Highways: The Future of CO Transportation Is Transparency. We Hope.

As Denver’s population grows rapidly with few signs of stopping, transportation rushes to keep up, developing high-speed tube networks and carless transportation—or at least, driverless. As we expand our technology, we need to do more than just envision the most futuristic vehicles possible. We need to change the way we think about mobility entirely. Imagine traveling from Denver to Houston...

Garden of Good: Boulder Is A Natural Choice For Natural Products

Boulder County is a magical, mountainous Mecca for all things green. It's not the Garden of Eden. It's the Garden of Good. On an average trip to the grocery store, one is bound to find an abundance of processed food and, presumably, not much healthy food to go around. Chances are, if the food packaging claims to be “healthy,” a close scan of the label will prove otherwise. Loaded with...

Report Card 2018: Grading BOCO’s Greenery

  Welcome to Boulder County (BOCO, if you’re local). We’re so green we might as well be raising Keebler elves in our gardens. This is the kind of community that recycles, upcycles, bi-cycles, and occasionally mono-cycles. Admit it, we’ve all seen it. We’re yogis and meditators and generally pretty chill about things. We protected massive amounts of open space over 50 years ago in...


Friday the 13th: PrettyMouth Celebrates Life of Lead Singer, Marie Litton

Goosetown Tavern was a fireworks display as Marie’s Birthday Extravaganza  lit up the Music scene with the intensity of a firecracker in the night. Marie is the lead singer for PrettyMouth. It was definitely her night as friends and fans lined up at the door and gathered around to pay homage to this long standing local musical talent. That Friday the 13th was a cold, windy one… so, what...

Red Scene: eXXXotica Denver 18

Sex work is real. It’s happening all around us. eXXXotica, “The Largest Adult Event in the USA Dedicated to Love & Sex” just hosted their second event in Denver. “It was created for like-minded adults who are looking to ‘celebrate sexy’”. And celebrate they did, with educational seminars, exhibits, demonstrations, million of sex toys and products for your love life, performances...

Scene Stealers April 2018: Ozomatli, Man Of La Mancha, and more

Ozomatli at Fox Theatre While Carlos Santana’s accolades are too numerous to count, one that does stand out is his choice of supporting act for his Supernatural mega-tour in 1999. That act was a little-known L.A.-bred latin-hip-hop sextet called Ozomatli, who had only just released their eponymous debut album the year before. Fast forward 20 years, eight studio albums and two Grammy awards...

Spotlight on Damon Wood

For six years, Colorado-based guitarist Damon Wood had arguably one of the best — and toughest — gigs on the planet, playing guitar for the Godfather of Soul himself, James Brown. Now, decades later, Wood puts pen to page, chronicling his time in the JBs (with the help of writer Phil Carson), in the tome Working for the Man, Playing in the Band: My Years with James Brown (ECW Press, 2018)...

Duly Noted: Pre-Crime

Philip K. Dick wrote The Minority Report back in 1956. Forty-six years later, Steven Spielberg turned it into a gorgeous film chronicling a dystopian futurescape where cops arrest would-be criminals before they can commit a crime, based on the psychic testimonies of three “pre-cog” mutants who can see into the future. Little did Dick know in 1956 that his treatise could serve as a potential...

Blunt Talk: Big Green Myth

It’s been more than eight decades since the film Reefer Madness debuted. Originally financed by a church group under the title Tell Your Children, the film was intended to be shown to parents as a morality tale to teach them about the dangers of cannabis use. The film first released its anti-marijuana fear mongering in 1936 and it’s fair to say public opinion has vastly changed since then...


Sampler Plate: Tracing Coffee from Bean to Barista

We live in Boulder County, so we have to admit to being spoiled in a lot of ways, including by the coffee culture. But when you’re surrounded by places where you can pick up fresh, premium coffee, it’s easy to sip, savor, and move on with our day without thinking about what it takes to get a truly great brew into our cups each morning. Will Kuepper, Director of Education at Ozo Coffee...

Stop To Smell The Rosemary: Slow Food In Boulder County

By this point, we’re all acquainted with the dangers of fast food. But how many of us are truly eating “slow” food, the way it was meant to be eaten? The Slow Food movement is about more than foregoing the McDonald’s drive-through; it’s about engaging with what you’re eating, appreciating where it comes from, and sharing it with your community. It’s a philosophy about taking a...

Food News April 2018

Alright, everybody, it’s here. The news you’ve been anxiously awaiting, and probably salivating over. We’ll cut to the chase. First up: If you’ve been waiting as impatiently as we have for a stroll through the farmers market, we have amazing news: Boulder and Longmont markets will be opening a whole month earlier than usual! Opening day was on April 7, and they go through Nov. 17...

Also in This Edition

Erie Election Results: A Defeat for Oil & Gas

Heralded as "Hope for the Future" according to one Erie facebook denizen, results for the 2018 Erie municipal elections returned a stunning defeat to oil & gas interests. More importantly, results showed were from, and for, a town invested in integrity and reigning in outsized electoral influence by monied interests. False allegations of bias earlier reported by Yellow Scene aided in the...

Hot Import Nights Denver Brought ALL the Cars to the Yard

Colorado is car country. We have a ton of roads and not much public transportation. It makes sense that the line for Hot Import Nights - held this past March 29 at the Denver Mercantile Mart - stretched completely around the building for the entire time I was there. This is HIN Denver's first time in Denver, but the international tour is well known in Los Angeles, Australia, Japan, and other mod...


Preventable Losses: The War On The Homeless In Boulder

It was an interesting night at Boulder City Council’s first meeting of the new year. Tempers were up and concerns were heightened over the Christmas Day death of Benjamin Harvey, a Texas transplant who became homeless and passed, alone and frozen, after being banned by Boulder’s emergency shelter. The well-attended meeting opened to a round of jazz hand applause (“No clapping please; we...

Month in Review

Month in Review: Condensing the News of 104th North (April ’18)

A clear, susinct distillation of notable news. Highlights from this month include the March for Our Lives, the murder of Stephon Clark, EPA emissions regulations, and Mayor Hancock's sexual harrasment investigation.